Next Saturday, May 28th, 7pm
Performance Lecture & Video Screening
The Paradise Machine is the latest project by Berlin-based photo and video artist Niklas Goldbach, which will be presented for the first time this evening: The starting point for the project are the “Center Parcs” bungalow complexes built in the 1970s in the Netherlands for family holidays, a fusion of Dutch modernist ideals and Catholic moral conservatism. The Corona pandemic has given Center Parcs a new status as regional and supposedly safe holiday resorts, aimed decidedly at traditional family forms.
Since its founding in 1967, the franchise has offered families a "second home for a short holiday in the countryside" in more than 30 European holiday parks. The parks all have the same basic structure and share a corporate identity: they consist of holiday home developments of over 800 uniform single-family homes in wooded areas, grouped around a lake and a "Market Dome", which also houses a subtropical adventure pool and restaurants.
On this evening, Goldbach will give a performance lecture on the complex history of the leisure giant Center Parcs introducing the project. He will also present impressions from the diaries of the architect, who was responsible for the realisation of the parks' bungalow complexes, written during his time as a German prisoner of war.
Music (Trailer): Javi Redondo: Highway 307 (2019)
Inselstraße 7, 10179 Berlin
Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien